This post marks my first as part of the Indiesew Blogger Team and I could not be more excited about it. I have been an admirer of Allie and an Indiesew blog reader since it launched. If you have never been to the site you are missing out on one of the very BEST corners of the internet for garment makers. Not only does the site offer an outstanding round-up of indie sewing patterns (shop HERE), it also hosts an entire community where you can share your creations and see how others are wearing their handmade wardrobes. Indiesew’s blog is dedicated to helping you be as successful as possible in all your garment making endeavors. There are Sew-a-longs, style tips, and nearly 50 posts explaining specific sewing techniques. My favorite Indiesew serial is Fabric Files. Each article in the series takes a single type of garment fabric, breaks it down, demystifies it, and tells you exactly how to use it successfully. It’s a fun place to shop, look at patterns, discover new indie designers, interact with fellow makers, and get educated. How’s that for fueling your garment-making fire, eh?
For my first IBT post I’m sharing the latest in Quilt Lady loungewear. Meet the Geodesic sweatshirt by Blueprints for Sewing and Hudson pants by True Bias. I’m always looking for ways to incorporate quilting into my wardrobe so that it is both practical and wearable in the real world. The instant I saw this sweatshirt on Indiesew’s Instagram feed I knew we were meant to be together. I mean, c’mon, it’s a PIECED sweatshirt. Piecing is what I do. Sweats are what I do. Like everyday. I wouldn’t even call this an Ah-ha moment. It was more like a, “Well duh,” moment. Especially since I already had all of the fabric in my stash to make it. It was a no-brainer. I have the same feeling about these sweats that I do about my quilted denim jacket. Everything about them from the colors to the fit speaks to exactly who I am and what I like to do, which is what I always want most from any handmade garment.
So to tell the story of this make I have to go back a bit. You see, I’ve been obsessed with Birch Organic Fleece for a loooong time. We go way back, me and Birch fleece. When I first learned of them I decided that I needed to have it all…as in all the colors. This was non-negotiable. My wallet, however, did not agree with me. So we talked it over, my wallet and me, and settled on a compromise. I could get all the colors if I bought half yards of each one. Fair enough, I conceded. We shook on it and I clicked the “confirm purchase” button.
I was pretty pleased with the arrangement. In fact, I was quite smug about the whole thing. “Dumb wallet,” I said to myself, “you’ll never get the best of me.” When the fabric arrived I was ecstatic. It was a big gorgeous stack of beautiful organic fleece, all thick and plush…I was in love. I couldn’t wait to cut into it. I began the search for the perfect pattern.
And search I did. I searched high, I searched low, and guess what I discovered…that half a yard of fabric is enough to make exactly ZERO garments for myself. Yep, none. If I’m being honest though, this truth did enter my mind briefly as I was clicking the “complete purchase” button, but in that moment I wasn’t willing to give up any of the colors in my cart. I told myself I’d figure out any fabric shortages later. Really dumb. So here I was with this insanely perfect and completely unusable stack of pricey fabric. “Well,” I told myself, “at least I have swatches now.” I decided I might make a throw blanket or something someday and filed it in the stash where it sat for over two years.
So when Geodesic turned up in my feed I immediately remembered that stack of Birch fleece that was now hidden somewhere in my stash. I was thrilled! I finally had a pattern that would work with those half hard cuts. It was a good day.
The Geodesic has a comfortable, relaxed fit with plenty of ease. Sizes accommodate a 32″-50″ bust and a 35″- 53″ hip. The pattern also includes FBA (full bust adjustment) instructions if you need them. You can make it long or cropped, and with long or short sleeves. The pattern also gives fantastic information on working with knits for those who may be timid about this substrate.
I am so happy that got this outfit made in time to enjoy one of the most beautiful and rainy Springs on record here in Central California. Its the perfect weight for staying cozy while running kids to school on cool mornings. I think one of the things I love most about it is that I can swap out the sweatpants for some skinnies and I’ve got a cute and cozy outfit that tells the world exactly who I am. this is the loungewear that every Quilt Lady needs in their life.

I really can’t say enough good things about this pattern. It was, without a doubt, the most fun I’ve had garment making in a long time. I mean, I usually have fun no matter what I’m sewing but I was so excited about this piece, giddy even. As soon as it was finished I knew it needed a partner. Enter, Hudson pants. My go-to number one favorite pattern for comfy lounge pants. I settled on the cropped version this time so I could wear them as long as possible before this lovely Spring morphs into a muggy summer.
This post is meant to be a PSA . After I finished I just couldn’t bear the thought that there were other Quilt Ladies out there in the world that didn’t know this pattern existed. I’m telling you, it’s just not right. I mean to do my duty of public service and tell you all that you need a Geodesic in your life. Trust me. I declare the Geodesic/Hudson Pant combo the new must-have uniform for all my fellow Quilt Ladies out there. Make one. Love it hard. Wear it everywhere. You can thank me later.
that is the cutest outfit ever. I have the geo pattern and need to get the hudson. Holy cow this is just the cutest and best outfit ever. You are a rock star girl.
Thanks Stephanie! You are a rockstar yourself. 😉
I just recently discovered you thanks to IndieSew! Omg you are combing two of my loves with this pattern (and omg that Quilt Gang quilted jacket? RIP, my heart) Thanks for sharing and for having such a great writing voice. Also? Your drawstring choice literally made me squee & almost wake up my little babe. 🙂
Omg Dawn thats too funny! I’m so glad you liked my projects. Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂
Love your outfit and your fabric story! I have really wanted to make one of the geodesic (I actually both patterns, haven’t made either yet) with different colors for the triangles but I have mostly only seen it all solid, so I was very happy to see a version that is not only multi-colored but stylish too! (not looking like a clown outfit or something). Great job!
Thanks Brenda. That was my number one goal and also my biggest fear was that it would look completely ridiculous. I’ll admit it was a little out there but still totally wearable. Thanks for your comment. Good luck with yours!